Can Lack Of Vitamin D Cause Night Sweats

Can Lack Of Vitamin D Cause Night Sweats

How To Recognize Vitamin D Deficiency? 4 Symptoms You Can't Ignore

Did you know that one-third of adults in the US have a vitamin D deficiency?

Another reason why people underrate the value of vitamin D is they think all you need is 10 minutes on the sun, and you're covered.

Truth be told, the best way to produce vitamin D is by exposing yourself to the sun and sun rays. Vitamin D is also one of the compounds of fish oil, egg yolks, and dairy products. Vitamin D deficiency has some common symptoms, similar to some of the common diseases and illnesses.

What is troublesome is that before 2000, doctors rarely had the technology to measure vitamin D deficiency.

However, with the development of technology, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has managed to collect data, and the results show that 32% of adults and children in the US have vitamin D deficiency.

Risks Causes by Vitamin D Deficiency

Few people understand the risks that vitamin D deficiency carries.

Bone pain and muscle weakness are the common risks, but there are also risks of cognitive impairment, asthma in children, cancer and increased risk of death from cardiovascular diseases.

 One of the reasons why people experience symptoms of vitamin D deficiency is their limited exposure to sunlight, a diet low in fish, dairy products and egg yolks.

People with dark skin, you just have to spend much more time exposed to the sun to get vitamin D, as the melanin pigment in dark skin reduces the ability of your skin to absorb vitamin D.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency you cannot ignore.

Bones Ache

Bone pain and muscle weakness are the common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

If you are feeling fatigued, and your bones ache, chances are, your vitamin D levels in your body are low.

Your bones ache as a result of the vitamin D deficiency causing a defect in the process of absorbing calcium.

Calcium is one of the most important minerals for your bone health, and vitamin D deficiency causes a defect in the process of putting calcium into the collagen matrix.

Vitamin D deficiency will not cause osteoporosis, those are different symptoms, but your bones will ache.

Head Sweating

Among the first symptoms of vitamin D deficiency is a sweaty head.

If you have given birth, you probably remember that the physician asked you several times during the first months of childbirth whether your newborn has a sweaty head. The reason is simple, sweaty head and excessive sweating is one of the first and earliest symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

Gut Troubles

Celiac sensitivity, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, inflammatory bowel diseases, all of these gut conditions are closely related to vitamin D deficiency.

The reason is vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin.

To put it simpler, when you have a gastrointestinal condition that can hamper your ability to absorb fat, you are actually absorbing less vitamin D.

Feeling Blue

Feeling blue is the early symptom of depression, a condition that is closely related with vitamin D deficiency.

In a study conducted in 2012, the results showed that people with vitamin D deficiency are 11 times more prone to depression.

The study included 80 elderly participants and was looking at the mental health of the patients.

The reason why vitamin D affects depression and mental health is because exposure to the sun not only allows your body to absorb more vitamin D, but also more serotonin, a hormone in the brain that is linked with mood elevation.

Tags: denver, health, newwestphysicians

Can Lack Of Vitamin D Cause Night Sweats


Can Lack Of Vitamin D Cause Night Sweats Can Lack Of Vitamin D Cause Night Sweats Reviewed by Jeremy on Desember 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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